Welcome to our travel blog. We are Tabitha and Nic. In 2011 we 'retired' in our early 40s and set off to travel the world. We spent our first year in South America and have been lucky enough to make two trips to Antarctica.

Our blog is a record of our travels, thoughts and experiences. It is not a guide book, but we do include some tips and information, so we hope that you may find it useful if you are planning to visit somewhere we have been. Or you may just find it interesting as a bit of armchair travel.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Cap Time!

Dave and Ivan have started a tradition of Cap Time.  I guess it won’t be a surprise to know that Cap Time involves alcohol. It is a simple concept.  They buy a bottle of drink – generally a cachaca of some kind, and everyone has to drink a capful.  Except for absolute non-drinkers and the genuinely ill, the first round is compulsory, after that drinking is optional.  Peoples’ reactions to this vary considerably depending upon the drink being consumed, but there is normally at least one person who makes The Face.  The Face is of course that wide eyed, tight mouthed expression that occurs when you taste something that shocks your taste buds.  For me, The Face occurs when I eat something sour, but for others the cachaca does it.  So much so with one member of our group, that people get their cameras ready when it is his turn, just to capture The Face.  But despite this, he still takes the optional caps.

Of course Nic had to push Cap Time further by buying his own bottle, in this case an aniseed liqueur.  Reactions were mixed, but the best effect was that Dave wasn’t keen, so finally he knew what it was like to be the one making The Face!

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